Awesome performance and built very solidly. Great to see Bushfire Store selling Australian made products. Great job !
- Riley Thompson
Rapid Spray Weed Spraying Tanks, effective application of herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides. With a variety of sizes ranging from backpacks, compact spray units to 3 point linkage sprayers, these are a perfect choice for addressing a wide range of agricultural needs.
250L to 325L
250L to 325L
60L to 95L
360L to 600L
400L to 1000L
400L to 800L
50m to 150m
250L to 325L
Awesome performance and built very solidly. Great to see Bushfire Store selling Australian made products. Great job !
- Riley Thompson
This gun is twice the price of a cheap version, however is at least 10 times better. With the cheap spray gun we were struggling to get the job done, however we now breeze through the job in a small percentage of the time it used to take us with much improve outcomes on our previous results. It’s almost a pleasurable job now.
- Bob Ware